Genealogie van Zon, van Son, van der Son, Sonmans, Sonnemans, Sonnius, Broekhoven.
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Aktes, aantekeningen

Aktes, aantekeningen

Persoonsnr 10905 Stamvader Jean de Latfeur 1550 Namen Relatiecluster_1
Achternaam Latfeur Stammoeder Relatiecluster_2
Overige_namen Vader Jean de Latfeur 1550-1597 Naamgenoot
Voornaam Pieter Moeder Catharina Sohier 1560
Beroep_bijzonderheden zakenpartner Lambert Massa 1e_partner Clara Coymans 1585 4e_partner
Relaties_bijzonderheden X Clara Coymans, dr v Caspar Coymans en Isabeau (Isabelle) van Lemens. 2e_partner 5e_partner
Data_persoon Pieter Latfeur, zn v Jean de Latfeur en Catharina Sohier. Geb. ca 1585. Pieter Latfeur, the brother-in-law of Pieter Cruijpenning, was the business partner of Lambert Massa and the likely godfather of his son Lambert. 3e_partner 6e_partner
Geboortemaanddag 0 Overlijdensmaanddag 0 Rechte_afstamming 0
Geboortemaand 0 Overlijdensmaand 0 Speciaal 0
Geboortejaar 1585 Overlijdensjaar 0 Niet_publiek 0
Geboorteplaats Plaats_overlijden Man 1
Geboorteprovincie Provincie_overlijden
Geboorteland Land_overlijden Bron
Aard Bron Omschrijving
DOPELING Amsterdam Baptisms 1587-1650 1617 Oct 29; Charlle de Latfeur; Hester van der Mulen [Muelen]; Charlle; Andris van der Mulen, Simmel Bequer, Phelipe Calendriny [Calandrini], Jacques Schol, Jenne de Latfeur; Oude Waalse Kerk, 130p55
DOPELING Amsterdam Baptisms 1587-1650. 1618 Apr 20; Phelipe Calandry [Calandrini]; Margerite van der Meulen; Phelipe; Phelipe Burlamachi (from London), Mare Mannuchen, Elisabet van der Meulen, weduwe van Jehan Panhuys in plaats van Charle de Latfeur,
DOPELING Amsterdam Baptisms 1587-1650. 1618 Apr 20; Pierre de Latfeur, de weduwe van Jacques de Velaer, Oude Waalse Kerk, 130p66
DOPELING Amsterdam Baptisms 1587-1650. 1627 Nov 21; Samuel Becker; Jacomyna van Baerle; Eduwert; Pieter Latfeur; Nieuwe Kerk, 40p425
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS In analyzing the purchases made at the Bisschop sale, I first consider the four buyers who are known to have been related to Paulus Bisschop: David van Baerle, his brother Jan van Baerle (II),
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Charles de Latfeur, and Samuel Becquer, the son of Everhard Becquer.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS It is interesting that Jan van Baerle I, the father of David, was said to be a cousin of this same Hans van Conincxloo when he assisted him in his marriage contract of 9 August 1599 with Magdalena Ruts from Antwerp.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Jan van Baerle II was David’s younger brother, born in 1605, nine years after David. He was betrothed to Maria van Genegen, the daughter of Daniel van Genegen (also a collector) on 10 March 1640.840
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Charles de Latfeur, born in Bergen in Hainaut, was the son of Jean de Latfeur, from Antwerp, and of Catharina Sohier. His mother was the sister of Daniel Sohier, collector, friend of painters, and music lover.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Charles was also the brother of Susanna de Latfeur who married Louis de Malapert, a very prominent merchant who migrated from Antwerp to Amsterdam.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS He was actively engaged in trade with foreign lands, freighting at least 13 ships between 1617 and 1625. In 1608, he married Hester van der Meulen (1587-1643), born in Bremen, the sister of Andries and Daniel van der Meulen
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS , who were also wealthy and socially prominent Antwerp merchants who immigrated to Amsterdam. Andries and Daniel van der Meulen, along with
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Baptist Oyens and Jacques Noirot, acted as intermediaries in the efforts of Count Simon van
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS der Lippe, representing Emperor Rudolf II in Prague, to obtain top-quality paintings on the Amsterdam art market by Hyeronimus Bosch, Pieter Aertsen, Anthony van Blocklandt, Lucas van Leyden, and other outstanding masters.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Maria de Latfeur, the sister of Charles de Latfeur, was the first wife of Everardt Becquer, the father of Samuel Becquer. Charles de Latfeur, who signed the Remonstrant petition of 1628, was a regent of the Aalmoezeniersweeshuis.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Finally, we recall that Charles’s brother Pieter, cited in Chapter 13, was related by marriage to Pieter Cruijpenning.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Samuel Becquer, as we have already seen, was the son of Everhardt Becquer; he was also the husband of David van Baerle’s sister Jacomina.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS He was a merchant in Middelburg and a director of the Middelburg chamber of the United East Indies Company and at one time lived in Arnhem.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS He was on very friendly terms with Constantijn Huygens and his children.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Willem (or Guillaume) Everwijn was a merchant who was associated in business with Aernout van der Wijen, the father of the painter Jacques van der Wijen.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Much more is known about the goldsmith Augustijn Pars (or Pas). He was born about in 1580 in Antwerp and was betrothed to Janneken Verplancken on 27 September 1603.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS After his first wife’s death, he appeared before the Orphan Chamber and declared that his six children were entitled to ƒ 4,400 on account of their mother’s inheritance.863 He remarried with Aaltje Kistepenningh from Deventer in July 1621.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS When he bought a house for ƒ 9,300 on 21 January 1628, his surety was the afore-named Zeger Pietersz., brother of Pieter Lastman.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS Jan Basse (1571-1636), originally from Lille in present-day France, was a painter by profession, but he apparently carried on an important business in inexpensive works of art.
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS The sale of his works of art in May 1637, which lasted nearly a month, brought a total of ƒ 7,762. He was betrothed to Cornelia Kieff on 19 May 1611. She was the daughter of Anne van Loosvelt (or Liesvelt),
FAMILIE JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS who was related to Abraham van Loosvelt (a buyer discussed above) and to Hans van Uffelen, the father of the famous collector Lucas van Uffelen.