Genealogie van Zon, van Son, van der Son, Sonmans, Sonnemans, Sonnius, Broekhoven.
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Aktes, aantekeningen

Aktes, aantekeningen

Persoonsnr 24144 Stamvader JOOS PIETER HAMELS 1530 DEN BOSCH Relatiecluster_1
Achternaam Hamels Stammoeder Relatiecluster_2
Overige_namen Vader Joos Pieter Hamels 1520 Naamgenoot
Voornaam Josine Moeder Aelken (Aleid) Hansdr van Liebergen 1550
Beroep_bijzonderheden 1e_partner Jacomo de la Faille 1549-1615 4e_partner
Relaties_bijzonderheden X Jacomo de la Faille (7-12-1580 Antwerp, notary Henry van Uffele: get: his father. For the bride: Mr Willem Conincx, assisted by Mr Henri Pelgrom, son of Francois), zn v Jean (de Oude) de la Faille en Cornélie van der Capellen. 2e_partner 5e_partner
Data_persoon Josine Hamels, enige dr v Joos Pieter Hamels en Aleyde Hansdr van Liberghen. Geb. 1560 ‘s Hertogenbosch. Overl. 1630. 3e_partner 6e_partner
Geboortemaanddag 0 Overlijdensmaanddag 0 Rechte_afstamming 0
Geboortemaand 0 Overlijdensmaand 0 Speciaal 0
Geboortejaar 1560 Overlijdensjaar 1630 Niet_publiek 0
Geboorteplaats ‘s Hertogenbosch Plaats_overlijden Man
Geboorteprovincie Provincie_overlijden
Geboorteland Land_overlijden Bron Michel Hamels
Aard Bron Omschrijving
FAMILIE During one of my visits to the S.C.G.D., I had the opportunity to find a document relating the history of the della Faille" family and mentioning a Josine Hamels,
FAMILIE born in 's Hertogenbosch (capital of North Brabant, south east of the Netherlands) around 1560 and deceased around 1630. The della Failles are a prosperous trader family living in Antwerp (Belgium)
FAMILIE According to a 17th century legend, the della Faille family originated in the kingdom of Naples and were connected with the Leopardis, a family of Constantinople. Referring to later research (1965), they came from Kortrijk (south-west Belgium)
FAMILIE and their original name was 'van der Faelge'. At the start of the 15th century, a Sobier van der Faelge lived there, who was the father of Oste, who was the ancestor of Gilles van der Faelge, van der Failge or van der Faille
FAMILIE an important landowner and usher of arms of the city of Kortrijk. His eldest son, Pierre (1478-1546) was a foreign burgess of Kortrijk, living in Wevelgem. He has four sons,
FAMILIE Bernard, Jean, Pierre and Jacques (the last three are nicknamed 'le Vieil' to distinguish them from homonyms of later generations. Jean le Vieil is at the origin of the power of the della Faille family.
FAMILIE He starts a commercial career with the 'Martin de Hane & Son company in 1530 in Venice where he lives for a period of ten years. There he composes all his commercial documents in Italian and writes his letters
FAMILIE in the same language and in Flemish as well. He is the first of his lineage to Italianise his name into della Faille".
KINDEREN Cornelia, geb. 1581-1584 in remembrance of her father's mother.