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11 feb 2022: Dringende video-oproep van canadese militair om NU voor de eigen bevolking te kiezen!  Russia Humiliates NATO in Conventional War | Interview with Andrei Martyanov.     Interview met aartsbisschop Carlo Vigano over de huidige westerse anti-mens agenda (9-1-2024, engelstalig).   Steun aan boeren en kleine zelfstandigen om te overleven is zeker ook eigenbelang van burgers!  Farmers Defence Force

Aktes, aantekeningen

Aktes, aantekeningen

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Persoonsnr 35465 Stamvader Relatiecluster_1
Achternaam Prado (Prato) Stammoeder Relatiecluster_2
Overige_namen del Vader Naamgenoot
Voornaam Walterus (Gualtherus) Moeder
Beroep_bijzonderheden 1e_partner Lucretia Pellicorne 1555-1635 4e_partner
Relaties_bijzonderheden X Lucretia Pellicorne (1575), dr v Jean Francois de Pellicorne en Anna Nicolaas Embert Teulings. Kind: Lucretia X Francoys Baudewyns, Hortensia X Jan Fourmenois, zn Simon en Catharina Hureau, Susanna X Jeremias Baudewyns, 2e_partner 5e_partner
Data_persoon Walterus (Gualtherus) del Prado (Prato), zn v en . Geb. 1545 Pesaro, Marche, Italie. Overl. 1605 Keulen. Schoonzus Anna Imbrechts, wed. Pellicorne ? 3e_partner 6e_partner
Geboortemaanddag Overlijdensmaanddag Rechte_afstamming 0
Geboortemaand Overlijdensmaand Speciaal 0
Geboortejaar 1545 Overlijdensjaar 1605 Niet_publiek 0
Geboorteplaats Pesaro Plaats_overlijden Keulen Man 1
Geboorteprovincie Marche Provincie_overlijden
Geboorteland Italie Land_overlijden Bron
Dochter Hortensia Delprato (de Praet) 1570 1e_partner Jan Fourmenois 1565 2e_partner
Aard Bron Omschrijving
DOOPGETUIGE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1595 Jan 01; Heyndrick Fairhoulden, gardner; Margriete N.N.; Lucretia; Raymondt Rynhout, Lucretia Pellicorn wife of Walterus del Prato, Anna Jeheux wife of Joos de Smit [Smeth]; 225/2a
DOOPGETUIGE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1598 Nov 27; Hans Fourmenois; Hortensia del Prato; Catharina; Hans Hureau, Lucretia del Prato [Pellicorne] wife of Walterus del Prato; 225/5
DOOPGETUIGE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1599 Nov 11; Abraham van der Voort; Joanna Hureau; Guilelmus; Nicolaes Spilleur in place of Guillam van der Voort, Lucretia Pellecorins [Pellecorne] wife of Waltero del Prato; 225/6
DOOPGETUIGE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1600 Nov 30; Jan de Hogen; Sara de Troch; Lucretia; Denys de Maistres, Lucretia Pellicorne wife of Waltero del Prato; 225/7
DOOPGETUIGE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1609 Sep 10; Nicolas Spilleurs; Jacqueline Manart; Susanna; Pieter Carlier, the widow of Waltero del Prato [Lucretia Pellicorne]; 225/13
DOOPGETUIGE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1610 May 08; Joos Julliaens; Catharina Johne [Jeheux]; Andrys; Andrys Jeheux her father, Lucretia Pellicorne, widow of Waltero del Prato; 225/13a
FAMILIE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1594 Oct 09; Abraham van der Voort; Janneken Hureau; Wouter; Walterus del Prato, Peter Pelicoren, Anna Imbrechts widow Pelicorn; 225/2a
FAMILIE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1605 Dec 01; Jeremias Baudewyns; Susanna del Prato; Susanna; Jean Fourmenois, Lucretia Pellicorne widow of Waltero del Prato; 225/10
FAMILIE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1606 Dec 01; Guillame Camp; Anna Fuidts [Fritz]; Petronella; Pieter Flagelet in place of Hans Fridts, Lucretia Fridts in place of Susanna Pellicoorne; 225/10a
FAMILIE dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1607 Mar 07; Jeremias Baudewyns; Susanna del Prato; Lucretia; Francois Baudewyns in place of Pieter Pellicorne, the widow [Hortensia del Prato] of Jean Fourmenois in place of Anna Graphsen widow of Abram Schuerman; 225/11
HUWELIJK GETUIGE MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 225/39a 28 January 1607 Francois Boons, from Brussels, assisted by Jeremias Baudewyns and Francois Baudewyns, was betrothed to Catharina van Wevelichove, assisted by the widow of Waltero del Prato [Lucretia Pellicorne] and her daughter Lucretia del Prato.
HUWELIJK GETUIGE MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 225/39a They married 22 February 1607. Francois Boons, assisted by Jeremias Baudewyns and Francois Baudewyns & Catharina van Wevelichove, widow, assisted by Abraham van de Voorde, the widow del Prato and her daughter. 225/39a
HUWELIJK GETUIGE MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 225/45 14 May 1625 Jacques Comyn, widower, was betrothed to Aeltje de Heuvel j.d., daughter of Frans de Heuvel and Catharina van Raedt, born in Aken [Germany] in the presence of the widow del Prato [Lucretia Pellicorne],
HUWELIJK GETUIGE MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 225/45 Jeremias Baudewyns, Jaques de la Weerde and his wife Janneken Comyn. 225/45
KINDEREN dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1587 Dec 09; Walterus del Prato; N.N. [Lucretia Pellicorne]; Lucretia; Raymondt Ryngoldt in place of Jan Andriesz., the widow Pelicorn [Anna Imbrechts]; 224/4a
KINDEREN dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1591 Feb 04; Walterus del Prato; Lucretia Pelicoorne; Constantia; Jan van der Meerschen, Anna widow of Jan Peakoy; 224/7
KINDEREN dopen ned. geref. kerk Keulen 1607 Dec 03; Francoys Baudewyns; N.N. [Lucretia del Prato]; Lucretia; Lucretia del Prato [Pellicorne], Jeremias and Francoys Baudewyns; 225/11a
KINDEREN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 225/36a 1 July 1595 Jan Fourmenois, son of Simon, j.m. from Antwerp, assisted by his mother Catharina Hureau, the widow Fourmenois and Hans Hureau his uncle, was betrothed to Hortensia del Prato, j.d. from Pesaro [Italy],
KINDEREN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 225/36a , assisted by her father Walterus del Prato and her mother Lucretia Pelicorn [Pellicorne]. 225/36a
KINDEREN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 29 April 1602 Jeremias Baudewyn, son of Francois Baudewyn, assisted by Edward Pels, was betrothed to Susanna del Prado [del Prato], daughter of Waltero del Prado, assisted by her father and mother [Lucretia Pellicorne]. 225/39
KINDEREN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church 30 March 1606 Francoys Baudewyns, assisted by his brother Jeremias Baudewyns and his wife [Susanna del Prato], was betrothed to Lucretia del Prado, assisted by her mother [Lucretia Pellicorne] and Abraham van de Voorde and his wife [Janneken Hureau].
KINDEREN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES IN COLOGNE 1588-1650 only from the Dutch Reformed Church They married 1 Juni 1606. Francoys Baudewyns, son of Francoys, assisted by his father and mother [Jacqueline Chombart] & Lucretia del Prato, daughter of Walteri, assisted by her mother, her sister and Abraham van de Voorde and his wife. 225/39a