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Aktes, aantekeningen

Aktes, aantekeningen

Persoonsnr 35720 Stamvader Relatiecluster_1
Achternaam Colpyn Stammoeder Relatiecluster_2
Overige_namen Vader Naamgenoot
Voornaam Guillaume (Guilelme) Moeder
Beroep_bijzonderheden kremer uit Valenciennes 1e_partner Anna (Tanneken) Balbian 1572-1635 4e_partner
Relaties_bijzonderheden X Anna (Tanneken) Balbian (ot 9-1609 Keulen, get: Arnoldt Pels and his wife Esther del Sau, Anna Copyn and Thomas Weyl (Wille) en haar ouders), dr v Antonius Balbian en Petronella Peister. 2e_partner 5e_partner
Data_persoon Guillaume (Guilelme) Colpyn, zn v en . Geb. ca 1570 Valenciennes ? Van Valenciennes. NB: 30 mei 1561 Antwerpen: GUILLAUME COPPIJN, CORNELISzoon, spiegelmaker, uit Valenciennes. 3e_partner 6e_partner
Geboortemaanddag Overlijdensmaanddag Rechte_afstamming 0
Geboortemaand Overlijdensmaand Speciaal 0
Geboortejaar 1570 Overlijdensjaar Niet_publiek 0
Geboorteplaats Plaats_overlijden Man 1
Geboorteprovincie Provincie_overlijden
Geboorteland Land_overlijden Bron
Aard Bron Omschrijving
ALGEMEEN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1620 Apr 13; Gilams Prouvo [Prevost]; Jenne Coopein [Copin]; Elisabeth; Elie Douanne, Tanneke Pels, Antoinette de Wiquart [de la Fontaine dit Wicart]; 221/36a
ALGEMEEN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 Oct 19; Francois Herole; Jenne de le Boe; Abraham; Abraham Copin son of Pierre, Catheline Adam, wife of Philippe le Morne; 221/21
ALGEMEEN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 Dec ??; Brise Inglebert; Ester Copin; Jenne; Jacques Schogt, Jeanne de la Fontaine dit Wicart; 221/21a
ALGEMEEN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1600 Sep 01; Matthieu Sehier [Sohier]; N.N.; Anne; Gaspar du Bois, Anne Jaupin wife of Jean Copin; 221/1
ALGEMEEN Baptisms in the Dutch Church in Cologne 1599 Jan 10; Rombout de Hoetmaker; Bayken N.N. [Schulte]; Joannes; Henric Bilderbek, Jan Coppin, Susanna Colpein; 225/5a
ALGEMEEN 20-6-1570 GUILLAMME en MAHIEU COLPYN bij verstek gebannen. PIERE COLPIN, bij verstek gebannen. Voor verder onderzoek naar bovenstaanden COLPIN, COLPYN raadpleeg bron: Conseil des Troubles 19, Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussel, Rekenkamer, nr. 18.312, f° 24.
ALGEMEEN Poortersboek Antwerpen. 3 februari 1581. GUILLAUME COPPIN, JANSzoon, satijnwerker, uit Valenciennes. Een WILLEM COPPIJN wijkt in 1586 uit (placaat Koning van Spanje), Ned. Leeuw, 1991, kol. 158.
BEROEP Poortersboek Antwerpen. 17 november 1570. GUILLAUME COPPIN, kremer, uit Valenciennes.
BROER/ZUS Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 May 12; Matthieu Sowhoer [Sohier] ; N.N. [Jehanne de Bot]; Matthieu; Simon Allart, Jean de Hemmes [?], the wife of Thomas Wille [Anne Copyn]; 221/20
BROER/ZUS Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1602 Apr 29; Jean Coppin; Anne Jaupin; Marie; Piere Kip, Jacqueline widow de Bulteau; 221/5a
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1605 Dec 10; Jacob Jacques; Marguerite Merckelbach; Guillaume; Guillaume Coppin the younger, Esther del Sau, wife of Arnould Pels; 221/13a
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 May 30; Jaques Venturin; Elisabeth Pueravi; Jaques; Guillaume Coppin, Elisabeth Je--hu, Sus. Colpin; 221/20a
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1609 Dec 05; Jaques Venturin; Elisabeth Pueravi; Jaques; Guillaume Copin the younger, Emanuel Theler, Susanne Colpin wife of Nicolas Heldewier; 221/22
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1602 May 04; Thomas Wille; Anne Coppin; Thomas; Guillaume Coppin and his sister Jaqueline widow of de Bulteau; 221/5a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1609 Oct 04; Jehan Fauconier; Judith Tournier [Fournier]; Jehanne; Jacques Venturin, Jehanne Sabot [Sabboth] wife of Jehan de la Cour, Jehanne Copin wife of Guillaume Prevost; 221/23a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1610 Oct 22; Brisse Ingelbest; Esther Copin; Anne; Pierre Copin, Anne Copin, the wife of Thomas Wyle [Wille], Jenne Copin wife of Guillaume Prevost;221/25
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Dutch Church in Cologne 1605 Aug 20; Aernoult Pels; Esther del Sau; Arnoult; Guillame Coppyn [Colpyn], Jan Meerman in place Paulus Pels, the sister [Anna Pels] of Aernoult Pels the widow of Christoffel Resteau in place of Joanna de Raet; 225/10
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Dutch Church in Cologne 1607 Jan 17; Aernoult Pels; Esther del Sau; Joannes; Jeremias Baudewyns, Bartolomeus Pels, Joanna Coppyn widow of Jan Coppin; 225/10a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Dutch Church in Cologne 1616 Jul 05; Hans Goyvaerts; Hellena van Lommel; Maria; Peter Aldenhove; Maria Tiberghen widow of Caspar Fourmentrau, Maria Copin [sic: Anne Copin] wife of Thomas Wile; 225/17
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 17 February 1623 Thomas Wyl [Wille] married Marie Douanne widow of Abraham Copein. 221/131
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 23 December 1608 Guillaume Copin, son of Guillaume, born in Aex [Aken?] & Anne de Behault, daughter of Louis, from Hamburg [Germany]. 221/125a
HUWELIJK Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 18 October 1609 Guillaume Caupin [Copin], born in Valenciennes [France] & Anne de Barbiane [Balbian], daughter of Antoine, born in Gent [Flanders]. 221/126a