Genealogie van Zon, van Son, van der Son, Sonmans, Sonnemans, Sonnius, Broekhoven.
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Personen in stamlijnen

Personen in stamlijnen

Persoonsnr 26327 Stamvader Johan Meinertzhagen 1542 Keulen Relatiecluster_1
Achternaam Meinertzhagen Stammoeder Relatiecluster_2
Overige_namen Vader Daniel VI Meinertzhagen 1842-1910 Naamgenoot
Voornaam Richard Henry Moeder Georgina Potter 1850-1914
Beroep_bijzonderheden psychopaat, zionistisch spion 1e_partner Armorel le Roy-Lewis 1890-1936 4e_partner
Relaties_bijzonderheden X 1) Armorel le Roy-Lewis (1-9-1911 tot 1919, scheiding), dr v en . X 2) Anne Constance Jackson (3-3-1921 tot 6-7-1928), dr v Randle Jackson en Emily Margaret Baxter. 2e_partner Anne Constance Jackson 1888-1928 5e_partner
Data_persoon Richard Henry Meinertzhagen, zn v Daniel Meinertzhagen en Georgina Potter (dr Richard Potter & Laurencina Heyworth). Geb. 1878. Overl. 1967. Medewerker Britse geheime dienst. Zionistisch spion. 3e_partner 6e_partner
Geboortemaanddag 0 Overlijdensmaanddag 0 Rechte_afstamming 0
Geboortemaand 0 Overlijdensmaand 0 Speciaal 0
Geboortejaar 1878 Overlijdensjaar 1967 Niet_publiek 0
Geboorteplaats Plaats_overlijden Man 1
Geboorteprovincie Provincie_overlijden
Geboorteland Land_overlijden Bron W. H. Auden - 'Family Ghosts'
Aard Bron Omschrijving
BEROEP Richard attended the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and wasGeneral Edmund Allenby's Chief Political Officer, involved in the creation of the Palestine Mandate, which eventually led to the creation of Israel.
BEROEP In 1948, Richard was in Palestine. He stole the weapons and uniform of a British soldier and joined a group of Jewish terrorists who were fighting the Palestinians.
BEROEP On 3 December 1947, four days after the UN voted in favour of partition in Palestine, Dr Chaim Weizmann, the modern State of Israel's first president, cabled
BEROEP Col. Richard Meinertzhagen to say, “To you dear friend we owe so much that I can only express it in simple words - May God Bless You”.
BEROEP Richard wrote in his book, Middle East Diary,“But thank God I have lived to see the birth of Israel. It is one of the greatest historical events of the last 2,000 years
BEROEP and thank God I have been privileged to assist in a small way this great event which, I am convinced, will bring benefit to mankind”
BEROEP Brian Garfield's 2007 book The Meinertzhagen Mystery shows that Richard was a liar and a charlatan.
BEROEP 19 oktober 1905 ?(Leeftijd 27)? Shot a Nandi spiritual leader Koitalel Arap Samoei while shaking his hand during peace negotiations
BEROEP mei 1906 ?(Leeftijd 28)? Sent back to Britain by the Colonial department of the War Office as a 'negative symbol'
BEROEP 1917 ?(Leeftijd 38)? Intelligence officer for Sir Edmund Allenby with the British army in Palestine
BEROEP 1917 ?(Leeftijd 38)? Intelligence officer for Sir Edmund Allenby with the British army in Palestine