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Tijdlijn in tekst compleet

Nakomelingen van Juliane Piers, compleet met Gebeurtenissen (bron website versie 8-9-2024 door A C. P. J. van Zon).
In geval van meerdere huwelijken of gemeenschappelijke voorouders worden de data van die personen slechts eenmaals vermeld! Relevante Erfdelings-akten (indien aanwezig) moeten echter zelf toegevoegd worden!

Generatie 1: Juliane Piers 1500 X Adolf Cruupennincx 1490
Data persoonsnr 10584: Juliane Piers, dr v en . Geb. ca 1500.
Beroep_bijzonderheden: connectie met Thomas Piers ?
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X Adolf Cruupennincx, zn v en . Kinderen: Jan, Jozien en Baerbelken

Generatie 1: Adolf Cruupennincx 1490 X Juliane Piers 1500
Data persoonsnr 10585: Adolf Cruupennincx, zn v en . Geb. ca 1490. Overl. voor 1562. Archief fam. huydecoper 1459-1956
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X Juliane Piers, dr v en . Archief fam. huydecoper 1459-1956: Akte v overdracht dr Juliane Piers, wed. v Adolf Cruupennincx op haar kinderen Jan, Jozien en Baerbelken.. erfrente van zes pond Vlaams p jaar, 1562, met de koopakte van deze erfrente
ALGEMEEN Adolf Cruypenninck namens zijn vrouw Patrimonium: stukje grond. ao.1564, 22 september Uitgave : Oudenaarde, Stadsarchief.
ALGEMEEN * Erasme Cruypenninck /1603-1659 * Agnès Huysman †1661 . * Egide Cruypenninck /1575 * Agnès De Donder

Generatie 2-1: Johan Jansz Cruypenninck 1560 X Constantia Coymans 1550
Data persoonsnr 10591: Johan Jansz Cruypenninck, zn v Jan Cruupennincx en NN. Geb. ca 1560. In 1953 zijn in opdracht van de eigenaar van het archief stukken betreffende de verwante families Cruypenningh en Van Valkenburgh afgestaan aan jhr. C.C. van Valkenburg te Aerdenhout.
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X Constantia Coymans, dr v Jeronimus Coymans en Constantia Spinelli.
ALGEMEEN Overigens in die notariele akte van huwelijkse voorwaarden uit 1628 staat het patroniem van de bruid: Magdalena vander Brugghen Jeronimi dochter.
ALGEMEEN Verder dat Jeronimus Tradel haar zwager was (die overigens de akte mede ondertekende) en dat Constantia Coymans weduwe was van .. Johan Cruypeninck?
KINDEREN Op 29 januari 1626 ging Peter Cruijpenninck in ondertrouw met Lucretia Coijmans . Hij werd geassisteerd door zijn stiefmoeder Constancie Coijmans.

Generatie 2-1: Constantia Coymans 1550 X Johan Jansz Cruypenninck 1560
Data persoonsnr 10592: Constantia Coymans, dr v Jeronimus Coymans en Constantia Spinelli. Geb. ca 1550.
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X 1) Rutgheerdt van Abroeck, zn v en . X 2) Johan Jansz Cruijpenning, zn v Jan Cruupennincx en NN.

Generatie 2-1-1: Anna Cruypenninck 1590 X Arnout III Cobbaut 1585
Data persoonsnr 10903: Anna Cruypenninck, dr v NN Jansz Cruijpenningh en Constantia Coymans. Geb. ca 1590 Antwerpen.
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X Arnout III Cobbaut (4-1610), zn v Arnout II Cobbaut en Anna van Valkenborch.

Generatie 2-1-1: Arnout III Cobbaut 1585 X Anna Cruypenninck 1590
Data persoonsnr 10902: Arnout III Cobbaut, zn v Arnout II Cobbaut de jonge en Anna van Valkenborch. Geb. ca 1585. Overl. voor 22 April 1616. Pieter named as his universal heir Arnout Cobbaut (III), who was married to his sister Anna Cruijpenning.
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X Anna Cruypenninck (4-1610), dr v NN Cruijpenningh en Constantia Coymans.

Generatie 2-1-2: Pieter Cruijpenningh (Cruypenningh) 1594-1639 X Lucretia Coymans 1585
Data persoonsnr 10587: Pieter Cruijpenningh, zn v Johan Jansz Cruijpenningh en Constantia Coymans. Geb. 1594 Hamburg. begr. 17-4-1639. Part-owner of the barrage (dam construction (dijckagie)) in Hadfielt Chase in England.
Beroep_bijzonderheden: internationale handel. Conn. Herman Becker Riga.
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X Lucretia Coymans (ot 29-1-1626), dr v Caspar Coymans en Isabeau (Isabelle) van Lemens. On 4 May 1619, David and Abraham Luls, who were said to be the cousins of Pieter Cruijpenninck.
BEROEP engaged in trade with Italy, Dantzig and other parts (18 April 1637, NA 598, fol. 174, Not. Lamberti).
BEROEP JACOB CATS IN DORDRECHT LEVEN EN WERKEN GEDURENDE DE JAREN 1623-1636 De uitgestrekte moerassen van Hatfieldchase en Isle of Axholme, droog te leggen. Dit groote gebied,een koninklijk jachtdomein, werd ten Noorden afgesloten door de Humber en de Ouse
BEROEP JACOB CATS IN DORDRECHT LEVEN EN WERKEN GEDURENDE DE JAREN 1623-1636 Toen hij (Jacob Cats) eindelijk kon vertrekken, droegen enkele familieleden en vrienden hem op, ook hun belangen waar te nemen.
BEROEP JACOB CATS IN DORDRECHT LEVEN EN WERKEN GEDURENDE DE JAREN 1623-1636 .Volgens een notarisprotocol van 10 Mei 1631, werd hem door Thyman Jacobsz. Hinloopen, Christina van Ruytenborgh, wed. Jan Michielsz. van Varlaer,
BEROEP JACOB CATS IN DORDRECHT LEVEN EN WERKEN GEDURENDE DE JAREN 1623-1636 Lucas en Mattheus van Valckenburg, Willem van Wely en Pieter Cruijpenninck volmacht verleend, om met Marcus van Valckenburg naar de dijkage te gaan,
BEROEP JACOB CATS IN DORDRECHT LEVEN EN WERKEN GEDURENDE DE JAREN 1623-1636 om brieven van burgerrecht te verkrijgen, te zorgen dat ieder zijn land opgedragen kreeg en de plaats vast te stellen, waar de
BEROEP JACOB CATS IN DORDRECHT LEVEN EN WERKEN GEDURENDE DE JAREN 1623-1636 stukken lagen, een onderzoek in te stellen naar den stand van het werk, en wat er nog zou moeten worden gedaan en met het oog daarop zooveeï gelden te trekken,
BEROEP JACOB CATS IN DORDRECHT LEVEN EN WERKEN GEDURENDE DE JAREN 1623-1636 als noodig zou blijken. Voorts moesten zij ambtenaren aanstellen en trachten gedaan te krijgen, dat Vermuyden hun landen zou toewijzen in het reeds drooggelegde gebied..
DOCHTER Maarsen 02-01-1687 Helena Sophia, dochter van Balthasar Coyet en Constantia Pieraard; Ged. t.o.v. de vader, en Hr. P.J. Cruypening en sijn suster Mej. Lucretia Cruypening.
ERFDELING 20 years old when he drew up his testament on 16 September 1614. He named as his universal heir Arnout Cobbaut (III), who was married to his sister Anna Cruijpenning
ERFDELING The family connections with the Luls bankers and the merchants Albert Schuyt and Hendrick de Haes already placed Pieter Cruijpenning at the nub of Amsterdam’s world of international trade and banking.
FAMILIE His sister Anna was married to Arnout Cobbaut III (of INVNO 542). Pieter Cruijpenning was 22 when he passed his testament in 1616, in which he stated that he was the heir of Arnout Cobbaut de jonge (III),
FAMILIE the son of his sister Anna (see the TEXT of R 448 of Montias2). On 4 May 1619, David and Abraham Luls, who were said to be the cousins of Pieter Cruijpenninck, and Albert Schuyt
FAMILIE (of R 28923), the aunt of whose wife (Constantia de Haze) was Constantia Coeymans I declared that Pieter Cruypenninck had behaved well as a koopgesel (apprentice merchant), both in Holland and in Italy.
FAMILIE Albert Schuyt (of R 28923 of Montias2) declared that his wife's aunt Constantia Coymans was married to Pieter Cruijpenning's father. Casper Coymans
FAMILIE (of R 31693), 66, and Balthasar Coymans, 63, testified to the same effect (NA 200, fol. 516, Not. J.F. Bruyning). On 8 November 1626, Pieter Cruijspenningh and Lucretia Coijmans
FAMILIE had their daughter Constantia baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Constantia Coijmans II (Lucretia's sister) (DTB 40/367).
FAMILIE On 8 October 1628, the couple had their twin daughters Isabella and Clara baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Jan van der Poort, and Isabella Coijmans, widow of Jan van Heusden (of R 36233) (DTB 6/218).
FAMILIE On 7 September 1631, their son Casper was baptized in the presence of Pieter Luls and Susanna van Valckenburg (see R 31706) (DTB 6/314). In 1631, Pieter Cruijt Penningh, living on O.Z. Voorburchwal (East side),
FAMILIE paid a tax of 290 f. (Kohier, fol. 174, p. 40). On 1 May 1633, the son Siprianus of Pieter Cruijpenning and Lucretia Coeymans was baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Jan van der Poort and Margrita Pelgroms (DTB 6/366).
FAMILIE On 14 October 1634, their second daughter Constantia baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Elias de Raet (of R 28395) (DTB 7/61). Lucretia was a witness at the baptism of a child of her sister
FAMILIE Isabella Coymans (married to Jan van Heusden) on 22 January 1623 (DTB 6/39). The relation between Pieter Cruypenninck and the art dealer Johannes de Renialme can be traced
FAMILIE back at least to 25 June 1635 when Johannes de Renialme transferred and sold to Cruypenninck a great leather tannery, a shoe mill, and a stone house located in Sixmilebridge in the county of Thou (now Dare) in Ireland,
FAMILIE and a large number of hides for making soles valued at 2,000 f., the whole transaction amounting to 11,000 f. (NA 642, film 4953, fol. 12). On 12 March 1636 Willem van Tongeren and Pieter Cruypenninck
FAMILIE reached an understanding concerning payment of an obligation owed to De Renialme, which Van Tongeren had guaranteed. The obligation, which was now held by Pieter Cruypenninck, was now in default. Willem van Tongeren
FAMILIE paid Cruypenninck 3,740 f. as part of the settlement (NA 413, fol. 216 and fol., Not. N. Jacobs, Extracten). On 11 April 1636, Pieter Cruypenninck,together with 30 other Amsterdam merchants,
FAMILIE testified to the credit-worthiness of Adriaen van Ackerlaeck (NA 695A, film 4821, Not. J. Warnaerts). On 18 April 1637, the honorable Pieter Cruijpenninck, from Hamburg, on one side, Mathijs Luls, from Acken,
FAMILIE on the other, contracted with Hendrick Gysius, from Dantzig, to send to Dantzig all the goods Cruijpenninck and Luls that they could send, which would then be sold. A provision of 2 percent would be retained by the senders
FAMILIE (NA 598, fol. 174, Not. Lamberti). On 5 February 1639, Matheus Luls (Abrahamsz.?) and Matheus Luls Davidsz., merchants, executors of the estate of Abraham Luls (cited in the NOTES to R 21578 of Montias2)
FAMILIE acknowledged receiving the sum of 750 f. proceeding from the last repartition of the V.O.C. from Pieter Haen (cited in the NOTES to R 21700) and Pieter Cruijpenning (NA 419A).
FAMILIE He was still alive but indisposed on 15 February 1639 (NA 419A, fol. 205). He died before 3 November 1639, when his widow tried unsuccessfully to collect a letter of exchange for 1160 f. issued in Pernambuco, Brasil.
FAMILIE The answer to the insinuatie was that the debtor had no provision (NA 419B). On 26 April 1640, the day after this inventory was drawn up at her request, the honorable Lucretia Coijmans, widow and heiress of Pieter Cruijpenningh,
FAMILIE merchant in Amsterdam, drew up a procuration whereby Albert van Breugel, bookkeeper general of the W.I.C. in Brasil, was to liquidate in her name and on her behalf, any business she may have had with Sr. Caspar van Heusden,
FAMILIE residing in Brasil, or, in case of his death, to take care of any interests she may have in his estate (NA 421, Not. J. Jacobs). On 18 March 1650, after the death of Cruypenninck, his widow Lucretia Coymans
FAMILIE and Johannes de Renialme signed an agreement to settle their dispute (which had apparently gone before the magistrates in Amsterdam) and to liquidate all the claims Coymans might have had
FAMILIE against De Renialme. He agreed to pay her 3,000 f. in three installments. At least some of the debts appeared to have arisen during Cruypenninck's life time.
FAMILIE It appears probable that Cruypenninck (and Lucretia Coymans after his death) and De Renialme had some sort of business partnership, perhaps in connection with De Renialme's art dealership (NA 1818, film 2083).
FAMILIE Lambert Massa, merchant and builder, was married to Constantia Dubois. He was the brother of Isaack Massa, whose marriage portrait with Beatrix van der Laan was painted by Frans Hals about 1622.
FAMILIE On 1 September 1622, Isaack Massa and Constantia du Bois had their son Lambert baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Pieter Latfeur, the husband of Lucretia's sister Clara (he was the buyer of R 20047).
FAMILIE Zuster Clara X Pieter Latfeur, zakenpartner van Lambert Massa. zus Isabelle X Jan van Heusden (koopman), Cornelia X Abraham de Visscher (koopman)
FAMILIE The Latfeur, Malapert, and Van der Meulen families were connected with one another through multiple ties. When Charles de Latfeur and Hester van der Meulen had their son Charles baptized in the Waalse Kerk on 29 October 1617
FAMILIE the witnesses (two of whom had presumably been chosen as godparents of the child) were Andries van der Meulen; Samuel Becquer representing Philips Calandrini, another very rich merchant
FAMILIE Jacques van Schot; and Maria de Latfeur.843 Maria de Latfeur, the sister of Charles de Latfeur, was the first wife of Everardt Becquer, the father of Samuel Becquer. Charles de Latfeur, who signed the Remonstrant petition of 1628,
FAMILIE was a regent of the Aalmoezeniersweeshuis. He bought two lots at the Bisschop sale, a painting by (Hans Vredemans) de Vries of the stabbing of Amnon for ƒ 90 and one of His Excellency Prince Maurits for ƒ 5.
FAMILIE Finally, we recall that Charles’s brother Pieter, cited in Chapter 13, was related by marriage to Pieter Cruijpenning. Bron: Montias
FAMILIE Samuel Becquer, as we have already seen, was the son of Everhardt Becquer; he was also the husband of David van Baerle’s sister Jacomina. He was a merchant in Middelburg and a director of the Middelburg chamber of the United East Indies Company
FAMILIE and at one time lived in Arnhem. He was on very friendly terms with Constantijn Huygens and his children.844 He only bought one lot at the Bisschop sale, but it was the most expensive in the entire sale:
HUWELIJK Op 29 januari 1626 ging Peter Cruijpenninck in ondertrouw met Lucretia Coijmans . Hij werd geassisteerd door zijn stiefmoeder Constancie Coijmans.
KINDEREN When Pieter Cruijpenning and his wife Lucretia Coymans had their son baptized in the Old Church on 7 September 1631, the witnesses (and probable godparents) were Pieter Luls and Susanna van Valckenburch
KINDEREN Casper Cruijspenningh was baptized in the presence of Pieter Luls and Susanna van Valckenburg. EN: David and Abraham Luls, who were said to be the cousins of Pieter Cruijpenninck.
TESTAMENT Pieter Cruijpenning, born in Hamburg, was 20 years old when he drew up his testament on 16 September 1614. He named as his universal heir Arnout Cobbaut (III), who was married to his sister Anna Cruijpenning.

Generatie 2-1-2: Lucretia Coymans 1585 X Pieter Cruijpenningh (Cruypenningh) 1594-1639
Data persoonsnr 10586: Lucretia Coymans, dr v Caspar Coymans en Isabeau (Isabelle) van Lemens. Geb. ca 1585.
Beroep_bijzonderheden: conn. Guilliam van Hoorn
Relaties/bijzonderheden: X Pieter Cruijpenningh (ot 29-1-1626), zn v Johan Cruijpenningh en Constantia Coymans. Kind: Constantijn Cruijpenning. en ?? Casparus Cruypenningh April 1672 te Batavia (Dagh Reg. geh int Gasteel Batavia anno 1672 )
DOCHTER Maarsen 02-01-1687 Helena Sophia, dochter van Balthasar Coyet en Constantia Pieraard; Ged. t.o.v. de vader, en Hr. P.J. Cruypening en sijn suster Mej. Lucretia Cruypening.
DOPELING 1626 Nov 08; Peter Cryspennings [Cruypenning]; Lucretia Coymans; Constantin; Constantia Coymans; Nieuwe Kerk, 40p367
DOPELING 1630 May 26; Peter Cruypenninck; Lucretia Coymans; Jean Baptista; Lucas van Valkenborg; Nieuwe Kerk, 41p82

Generatie 2-1-2-1: Constantijn Cruijpenning 1615
Data persoonsnr 10596: Constantijn Cruijpenning, zn v Pieter Cruijpenningh (Cruypenningh) en Lucretia Coymans. Geb. ca 1615.
Relaties/bijzonderheden: When Pieter Cruijpenning and his wife Lucretia Coymans had their son baptized in the Old Church on 7 September 1631, the witnesses (and probable godparents) were Pieter Luls and Susanna van Valckenburch

Generatie 2-1-2-2: Casper Cruijspenningh 1631
Data persoonsnr 14013: Casper Cruijspenningh, zn v Pieter Cruijpenningh (Cruypenningh) en Lucretia Coymans. Was baptized in the Old Church Amsterdam on 7 September 1631 in the presence of Pieter Luls and Susanna van Valckenburg

Generatie 1-1: Jan Cruupennincx 1530 X NN
Data persoonsnr 10590: Jan Cruupennincx, zn v Adolf Cruupennincx en Juliane Piers. Geb. ca 1530.
Relaties/bijzonderheden: ..Akte van overdracht door Juliane Piers, weduwe van Adolf Cruupennincx op haar kinderen Jan, Jozien en Baerbelken van een erfrente van zes pond Vlaams per jaar, 1562, met de koopakte van deze erfrente
FAMILIE Voetnoot In 1953 zijn in opdracht van de eigenaar van het archief stukken betreffende de verwante families Cruypenningh en Van Valkenburgh afgestaan aan jhr. C.C. van Valkenburg te Aerdenhout
FAMILIE ..Akte van overdracht door Juliane Piers, weduwe van Adolf Cruupennincx op haar kinderen Jan, Jozien en Baerbelken van een erfrente van zes pond Vlaams per jaar, 1562, met de koopakte van deze erfrente