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Persoonsnr 42373 Stamvader MATHIEU BRAYNE 1570 ANTWERPEN Relatiecluster_1
Achternaam Brayne Stammoeder Relatiecluster_2
Overige_namen Vader Naamgenoot Mathias Braijne (Brenius) 1597
Voornaam Mathieu Moeder
Beroep_bijzonderheden zwager Jacques del Sau X Catherine Doremieux. 1e_partner Marie Doresmieux 1570 4e_partner
Relaties_bijzonderheden X Marie Doresmieux (<= 1600), WS dr v Toussaint Doremieux en Jehanne Balenghion. Kind: Pieter 14-6-1607 Keulen, X Sara de Hoorne, Isaac, ged. 14-11-1608 Keulen, X Lucretia Hochepied, Jacob, ged. 20-1-1612 Keulen, X Anna Moormans, Susanna. 2e_partner 5e_partner
Data_persoon Mathieu Brayne, zn v en . Geb. ca 1570 Antwerpen? 3e_partner 6e_partner
Geboortemaanddag Overlijdensmaanddag Rechte_afstamming 0
Geboortemaand Overlijdensmaand Speciaal 0
Geboortejaar 1570 Overlijdensjaar Niet_publiek 0
Geboorteplaats Antwerpen? Plaats_overlijden Man 1
Geboorteprovincie Provincie_overlijden
Geboorteland Land_overlijden Bron Sennewini
Zoon Pieter Brayne 1607 1e_partner Sara de Hoorne 1615 2e_partner
Aard Bron Omschrijving
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1600 Jul 25; Gilles Laigney; Marguerite de Camp; Marie; Pierre Ferrer, Marye Doremieux wife of Matthieu Breynne [Brayne]; 221/1
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1612 Aug 26; Jean Ghiart; Marie de Marin; Matthieu; Matthieu Breime, Anne Caulier; 221/26a
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 Apr 03; Jacques Six; Catherine de la Court; Jean; Matthieu Brache [Brayne], Guillaume Provost, Ephen ??? de la Court; 221/20
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 Apr 23; Hugue Six; N.N. [Jacqueline Maton]; Marie; Thomas ------, the wife [Marie Doremieux] of Matthieu Braene [Brayne]; 221/20
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1618 Aug 31; Abraham del Sau; Ester del Beque; Ester; Mathieu Braime [Brayne], Ester del Sau; 221/35
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1619 Feb 21; Jehan Brame; Marie Carlier; Isaac; Jaques Taquet, Marie Doremieux wife of Mathias Brame; 221/35a
DOOPGETUIGE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1600 Jul 25; Gilles Laigney; Marguerite de Camp; Marie; Pierre Ferrer, Marye Doremieux wife of Matthieu Breynne [Brayne]; 221/1
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1603 Apr 26; Piere Cagnon [Caignon]; N.N. [Martine de Boulogne]; Daniel; David Cousenaer, Nicolas Varle [Varlet], the wife [Marie Carlier] of Jean Breine [Brayne]; 221/6a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1603 Dec 11; Jean Joly; Maria du [unreadable]; Esther; Jean Breine [Brayne]; Collette Con------, 221/7a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1605 Jul 02; Guillaume du Pire; Gedrut van Wilrat; Marie; Jehan Joqué, Marie Carlier wife of Jehan de Brem [Brayne]; 221/11a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1606 Dec 30; Jean Breine; Marie Carlier; Susanne; Daniel Colpin, Susanne Carlier, wife of Jaques le Cocq; 221/18
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1612 Feb 23; Jacques del Sau; Catherine Doremieux; Anne; Matthis Brein, Anne Doremieux; 221/26a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1613 Feb 26; Jean Breine; Marie Carlier; Jacob; Pierre Carlier in place of Jacob de Fay, Marie Masien; 221/27a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1614 Oct 29; Charle Bequerelle; N.N.; Jan; Jan Breme, Marguerite Wille wife of Adrian Hattewier; 221/30a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1621 Sep 10; Abraham del Sau; Ester Delabec [del Beque]; Elisabeth; Jaques Piccaver, Marie Carlier wife of Jan Breime [Brayne]; 221/37a
FAMILIE Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 May 05; Jean Braeme [Brayne]; Marie Carlier; Jean; Jean du Fay from Frankfort, the widow of Anthoine del Sau; 221/20a
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1603 Jan 04; Matthieu Breince [Brayne]; Marie d'Oremieux [Doremieux]; Christin; Christin Fauronne, Martinne del Saux; 221/6a
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1612 Jan 20; Matthieu Breine [Brayne]; Marie Doremieux; Jacques; Jaques Taquet, Isaac Doremieux; 221/26a
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1604 Apr 25; Matthieu Braime [Brayne]; N.N. [Marie Doremieux]; Marie; Abraham Doresmieux, Jehanne Balenghion wife of Toussain Doresmieux; 221/8
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1605 Aug 24; Matthieu Bryme [Brayne]; Marie Doremieux; Abraham; Jehan de le Roux, Johanne Doremieux [Balenghion]; 221/12a
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1607 Jun 14; Matthieu Braine; Marie d'Oremieur; Pierre; Pierre Carlier, Catheline d'Oremieur; 221/19
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1608 Nov 14; Matthieu de Braime [Brayne]; Marie d'Oremieux; Isaac; Isaac d'Oremieux, Isabeau Ramon; 221/21
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1610 Jan 16; Matthys Braine [Brayne]; Marie Carlier; Abraham; Pierre Carlier in place of Jean du Sama of Francfort, Judic Railier [?]; 221/24
KINDEREN Baptisms in the Walloon Church in Cologne, Germany 1600-1650 Cor Snabel @ 2012. GENEALOGICAL USE ONLY --NOT FOR PROFIT 1614 Apr 08; Matthieu Braime [Brayne]; N.N. [Marie Doremieux]; Susanna; Jacques del Sau in the name of Hans Cores, Susanne Perguane [Picavet] wife of Abraham Doremieux; 221/29a
KLEINKINDEREN Stadsarchief Amsterdam, DTB Dopen DTB 131, p.371, Amsterdam, archief NL-SAA-908210 Doop op 4 augustus 1660 te Amsterdam: Vader Isaac Breijne. Moeder Lucretia Hochepied. Kind Isaac.